
Do You Do Hair Or Makeup First For Wedding

Looking and feeling your best is key on your wedding day. We interviewed Jennie Fresa, renowned hair and makeup artist to give us her tips on establishing a wedding mean solar day beauty timeline. Jennie writes, "Over the years, I have seen how hectic and overwhelming the getting set procedure can exist for brides. Establishing a beauty timeline is essential for creating a stress-costless wedding day. Below are my height ten tips to proceed things on track earlier yous say "I practise."

Photo by Morgan Rovang on Unsplash

1. To ensure that everything runs smoothly on your outcome date, be sure to schedule a consultation and trial session with your makeup artist and hairstylist 3-6 months prior to your event. You lot'll feel relaxed and won't be making decisions nether pressure.

2. Twenty-four hour period-of hairstyling will take approximately forty-45 minutes per person, depending on the type of hairstyle. Makeup applications take approximately 30 minutes per person.

3. Once you've determined the time when y'all need to exist ready, we suggest working backward in 30-twoscore minute increments to decide an arrival time for your beauty team. For example, if you demand to exist ready by 3 PM and have 6 applications/styles full, the start time would be 11 AM for hair and 12 PM for makeup.

Photo by Jamie Coupaud on Unsplash

4. Contrary to what well-nigh people think, it'southward actually all-time for the bride to have her pilus and makeup done toward the beginning or middle of the timeline as opposed to the very end. In the (highly probable) upshot that things are running a tad behind schedule, you don't want your stylists rushing on the bride.

five. If you are hoping for some getting-ready photos, the planned time slot for the bride's hair and makeup should coordinate with the arrival fourth dimension of your photographer. The mean solar day volition go along to run smoothly and photos won't be delayed.

Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

half-dozen. Typically, we suggest having hair done first followed past makeup, but I wouldn't let this stress you out too much! Truthfully, it really doesn't matter which order you go in.

vii. We ever advise having your bridesmaids or other family unit and friends arrive v-10 minutes prior to their assigned time slot. This way, if things are running alee, yous tin can keep the ball rolling.

Photo by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash

8. Get in with dry hair. If possible, wash your hair the day before (not the day of) as the oils will help your fashion hold better. Also, arrive with a clean face sans moisturizer. Your makeup artist volition apply primer before your foundation.

9. Ask your beauty squad in advance if impact-upwards time is included or if it can exist added to your contract. If touch-ups are not offered or not inside your budget, be sure to bring a few fundamental items with yous-- blotting sheets, pressed pulverization, and a lip color.

Photo by Chalo Garcia on Unsplash

10. If you take a large group and an early ceremony fourth dimension, ask your beauty squad if they can bring administration with them to relieve on time. If this is not an choice, be certain your guests take their assigned time slots seriously!


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