
How To Hide Birthmarks Without Makeup

What are birthmarks?

As the proper name suggests, birthmarks are areas of discolouration on the peel which are nowadays from birth and are often permanent. They may appear as red, pink, purple or brown patches and vary in size. Birthmarks can occur on whatsoever office of the body.

What causes birthmarks?

Vascular birthmarks, which are usually red, pink or purple in colour, are caused by an abnormality in the skin's blood vessels. Brown pigmented birthmarks are usually caused by clusters of melanin (pigment) in the skin.

Natural birthmark removal methods

Some common natural remedies for birthmarks include applying lemon juice or olive oil to the affected surface area. Lemon juice has historically been used to fade freckles and lighten the hair. Dab a few drops of lemon juice on the birthmark, leave it for at to the lowest degree 20 minutes, wash information technology off with warm water and and then dry your skin off with a clean towel. Echo this process at to the lowest degree three times a twenty-four hour period until the birthmark has faded.

Olive oil is a natural moisturiser and can exist used to soften and condition rough-textured, dry areas of skin. Non only is it a peachy ingredient for keeping your skin good for you, some advise it can be used as a natural remedy to assistance amend the appearance of your birthmark with continual use. Follow the same process as the lemon juice case higher up.

Types of birthmarks

Port wine stain (capillary malformation birthmarks)

Port wine stain

Port wine stain birthmarks appear as wine-coloured patches on the pare. They are caused by abnormal blood vessels and can vary in size. They most unremarkably occur on the face up, back and breast, only tin appear anywhere on the torso. Nearly port vino stain birthmarks are permanent and can go more prominent every bit the years become past.

Salmon patch birthmarks

Salmon patch birthmark

Salmon patches are the almost mutual type of vascular birthmark. They appear equally faint pink or red patches usually on a baby's face or cervix later on birth. Salmon patches tend to fade after a few months, just some may take a few years to disappear completely.

Strawberry marks (infantile haemangiomas)

Infantile Hemangioma

Strawberry marks are raised, mole-like, pink, red or purple birthmarks. They get their name considering of their texture and colour. They are relatively common, affecting around five% of newborn babies.

They commonly disappear by the time the child reaches the historic period of 7, but will first get bigger earlier they shrink and eventually fade abroad completely. Some strawberry marks may crave treatment; speak to a GP if you are concerned.

Cafe-au-lait spots

cafe au lait spot

Café-au-lait spots are stake, flat java-coloured patches of skin. Like nearly birthmarks, they are harmless, but if a kid has more than vi of these marks before they reach the historic period of 5 years sometime, it might be a symptom of a genetic condition chosen neurofibromatosis. Speak to your GP if you are concerned.

Mongolian spots

Mongolian spot

Mongolian spots are a bluish greyness in colour, a bit like a bruise. They are nearly mutual in babies with darker skin tones and are commonly found on the back or buttocks. These coloured marks usually disappear with time, usually before the child turns 4.

Congenital moles

Congenital mole

Congenital moles besides referred to every bit congenital melanocytic naevi, are big black or chocolate-brown marks which are present from nativity. They are caused by clusters of melanin beneath the surface of the skin and are quite common.

They can get raised or hairy with time and may change color during hormonal changes, such as during puberty.

If y'all are concerned that your built moles have changed shape or colour, consult a dermatologist or your GP.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are birthmarks dangerous?

Most birthmarks are not harmful and do non require treatment for health reasons. Nevertheless, some people may find they have an bear upon on their self-esteem, so might cull to have them removed for aesthetic reasons.

In some rare cases, birthmarks might need medical treatment, for example, if they affect the person'due south power to breathe or go ulcerated and painful. Contact your GP for farther advice if you lot are concerned well-nigh your birthmark.

Can birthmarks exist removed?

Yep. Most types of birthmarks can be removed with laser treatments. The light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation used depends upon the type and colour of the birthmark being removed. In some rare cases and depending on the size, surgical excision might be necessary to remove a birthmark.

Are birthmarks always permanent?

No, some types of birthmark fade and even completely disappear with age.

Can I have a birthmark removed on the NHS?

Only if it is affecting your health. If you desire a birthmark removed for cosmetic reasons, you are unlikely to be able to do this on the NHS and will probably have to pay for information technology to be removed privately.

Are birthmarks hereditary/caused by genes?

It'southward still not clear why birthmarks occur, but they are not usually passed down genetically.

Birthmark removal handling

Birthmarks tin be safely and finer removed using a special blazon of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The treatment works past targeting the abnormal claret vessels or areas of pigmentation, breaking them up into tiny fragments so they can exist disposed of naturally through the body's immune organisation.

The light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is targeted, so although it's powerful, it won't harm the surrounding skin. You may demand several treatment sessions in club to remove the birthmark completely and results can vary from person to person. Your practitioner will be able to assess your birthmark to ensure the correct blazon of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and the right number of treatments is used to remove it.

Laser mole removal

Need help?

At sk:n, for vascular birthmarks such as port wine stains, nosotros use a Pulse Dye Laser. For pigmented birthmarks, we use an ND Yag Laser. To observe out more, bank check our laser birthmark removal treatments .


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