
'Southern Charm' Star Olivia Flowers Learned The Hard Way Not To Use Botox Shortly Before Going On Live TV

We're eight episodes into Southern Charm Flavour 8 and the season is in full swing. So far, nosotros've seen breakups (on screen and off), hookups (Craig and Naomie like WHOA), and even a hymeneals (between Shep Rose's dog Lil Craig and Queen Patricia Altschul's peppy Pomeranian Peaches). We've also seen Austen Kroll climb out of the Pit of Despair that he found himself in after getting painfully dumped by Madison LeCroy, and the brand new Charmer Olivia Flowers has been largely responsible for bringing a smile back to her face up.

The tall, blonde Charleston native has been orbiting the Southern Charm solar arrangement for a few years at present — her and Leva become dorsum a decade — but during her first season equally an official cast member, she's already been on the receiving finish of some bitter words from Venita Aspen, gotten chosen "homely" past Madison on Instagram, and dealt with a botched Botox treatment earlier making her live television debut on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live. Despite all of this, Flowers has managed to proceed her poise, exude charm and warmth at every opportunity, and quickly establish herself as a fan favorite on the rabid SoCharm message boards. Decider hopped on a video chat with her before this week to take hold of up near her experiences on the prove so far.

DECIDER: This is your showtime season on Southern Charm, but from all the time we've spent watching the bear witness all these years we know that Charleston is really a small boondocks at its cadre. Who was the first person, or people, that you met who were on the evidence, earlier you lot became a cast member?

OLIVIA FLOWERS: Kickoff person was Leva. She is a family unit friend, her and her husband. I'd say the second one was Kathryn. I met her shortly later.

How long ago was that now?

Yeah, and then Leva I've known for years, similar, pretty much similar 10 years. And Kathryn, I met during COVID when the earth was shut down.

[Laughs] Always a fun time to meet people, right? All masked up and getting crazy.

Right. That was Charleston during that unabridged thing.

Yeah, absolutely. Nosotros got a actually adept look at the early days of COVID and how it affected the city and the bandage during the last flavor of the prove. As a new castmember, what do you see as your role on the prove, and what kind of opportunities — and pressures — come along with that?

I call up existence the new 1 to come in was kind of good and bad. Like, when I came in, I didn't really have anything to exercise with the pre-existing drama…and so, kind of coming out that make clean slate, which was very helpful. And having known some of the bandage prior to was also very helpful, considering I wasn't coming in completely, completely new. But I recall the hardest role was coming in and not having other people'south opinions sway me on what I thought of someone. I'one thousand really trying to stay clear and giving everyone a off-white shot to actually get to know them and have them go to know me earlier jumping to whatever conclusions.

That makes sense. I know there'southward been a lot of pre-existing drama, then to your signal, it'due south nice to come in with a fresh slate, for sure. Did anyone from the bandage, whether information technology was Leva or Kathryn or everyone else, give y'all whatsoever helpful — or maybe even unhelpful? — advice earlier filming started?

Leva helped me out a lot. She was really like big sis, and told me to only stay truthful to myself and not like I said, let any other people's opinions sway me — and that I should only take advantage of the fact that I'm not on anyone'southward side. Then, if I come up in and something happens, I shouldn't be afraid to speak up to what I call up. Only that was actually it. Non to be afraid to speak upwardly if demand exist.

Information technology seems like that'due south the all-time mode to do your best chore on a show like Southern Charm or other shows is just to exist yourself and stay true to who you are. But that said, Despite your attempts to stay out of the fray, inevitably y'all get dragged in, right?

Aye. At that place's actually no style around it. You're in it.

Well, information technology seemed like Madison, in particular, actually took some early shots at y'all, maybe even more and so on social media than on the prove itself, or at to the lowest degree where we're at in terms of the episodes right now. What did y'all make of that whole "homegirl / homely" post she did on Instagram? Do you pay attention to the social media drama?

It's kind of hard not to. It gets sent to you regardless if you want to come across it or not. I was taken aback. I didn't think she and I actually knew each other plenty to have any shade throwing happen even so. I certainly didn't recall "homegirl" was going to set her off. If I had known she would be so bothered past that, I would have chosen her by her showtime, center and terminal proper noun. I just call people homegirl. It was certainly not a dig. So, I wasn't expecting information technology to plow into the what it did, but I mean…

"I certainly didn't think 'homegirl' was going to set [Madison] off. If I had known she would be and then bothered by that, I would have called her by her first, eye and last name."

Well, yeah. She'southward an experienced veteran of these kinds of things, for sure.

I don't know how to collaborate with that. I'm but like, oh okay. I'chiliad homely and trust fund trash? All right.

Every bit you simply mentioned, social media drama becomes office of your life when you're on a show similar Southern Charm , whether y'all want it to be or non. It's non all bad, though. You've been getting a lot of love and support on social media for standing your ground with Venita when she defendant yous of all sorts of nasty things, on multiple occasions. You even went out of your way on last week'due south episode to try and requite her an olive branch, of sorts, by letting her apologize to yous at that garden cafe. What is the country of your relationship with Venita these days, and why practice you remember she, some other newbie bandage member, was picking on you?

Well, today, Venita and I are fine. We're in a adept identify. I hateful, afterwards we had that conversation that we had this week, that was actually all we needed to just kind of sit downwards one on one and non permit anybody else's…You know, she told me while we were sitting down that she had heard…People were in her ear about me, and that's why she was on the defensive. And so I think one time nosotros were able to clear that air and sit downwardly and accept our own discussion, we were able to movement forward and that's what nosotros did and that'southward where nosotros are at present. We're expert as far equally I know.  I'll think I'thousand good with someone and then I'll log on and I'm like,  "Alright, well, I guess not." So every bit far equally I know, we're proficient.

Have you noticed whatever of the positive posts about y'all on social media, from the fans?

I have. People take been really, really kind and really sweet. And I just love any fourth dimension someone relates. I've had a lot of people say they love seeing my mom and I together. Information technology reminds them of their mom. As for the Venita thing? Well, I really appreciated people understanding my side of information technology, because it was hurtful to see that it was misinterpreted so, then terribly. But it'southward been good. I've and so far gotten actually proficient feedback.

What were you feeling terminal week before going alive on the air on Watch What Happens Live ? You know, I know information technology's one affair to be like, in front of the cameras and a whole 'nother thing to have like that little ruddy light come on.

No, I was very nervous. I had a couple of tequila shots before going out. And I said this on my social media, but I got some, like, botched Botox around my mouth that was setting in effectually the time. And so that was a big lesson I learned near this whole live television feel is to non lower face Botox before filming. Noted. Then that was… I was in my head with that. And I was happy that I was with Kathryn, because she is a veteran, and every time I see her in these situations, she kills it. So, I was happy to allow her accept the show and do most of the talking.

Had you met Andy before in real life, or was that your starting time time meeting him that day?

No, first time coming together him.

How did it go?

Everything just happened so fast. I mean, the meeting, the filming, all of it. So, he was charming and so dapper and I wish I could have been effectually him a fiddling chip more.

Yeah, I've gone to Watch What Happens and you're correct. It feels similar it happens in glimmer, right? Switching gears, in the continuity of what's on-air right now, it seems like y'all're getting a petty bit frustrated with Austen. He sort of seems similar he wants to play the field a trivial flake, but yous're not actually having it. Where do you and Austen stand on the testify at this moment?

I was just dislocated, and despite how it looks on the prove, I wasn't on some boyfriend hunt trying to lock it down with him. Merely I just, yous know, nosotros had started out going on the group dates, which were fine so having our commencement one on i and we were already talking about taking things dull. I was like, nosotros oasis't even taken things anywhere and here nosotros are talking well-nigh the speed of it? So I… aye, I hateful, it was a picayune confusing. And what was weird about is he knows he was confusing. Watching him and Craig on the golf game grade and he was like, "She'due south then confused and I don't arraign her." And I'thousand like, well then stop beingness confusing if you encounter it. Information technology was just…it was a whirlwind. I felt like I was a high school girl.

I noticed he's not on your Insta at all, merely that's your own personal affair, you know. But the fans sort of, I guess, want to know, you know, where do y'all and Austen stand these days?

He and I,  we're in a good place. You know, one time nosotros wrapped up the filming, we just traveled and got to have that time for ourselves and really see where things get with us. So, we're really good. We're still very much in each other'southward lives and you know, we have reunion coming upwardly. So we'll go to actually respond those questions, then. But we're overall good and I just relish having him in my life.

Are you emotionally prepared for the reunion? Concluding year was a sort of a train wreck disaster.

I don't know how anyone emotionally prepares for this. I don't…I mean, I'm like, do you have tips or anything? Allow me know, considering I don't know anyone goes and does that.

I merely know that it's an endurance affair. Yous're in that location like ten, 12 hours or something. What Craig told me, though, is to get slow on the booze..

That makes complete sense. Well, he needs to accept his ain communication. Concluding reunion, he was…He didn't look similar he took anything slow. [Laughs]


His hair was going flip bomb and and then every which way. [laughs]

I retrieve I'm looking forrard to it overall, considering when I think so big in my caput, I like run across other people'southward drama and I'm like, I'1000 gonna exist chillin'. I'm non gonna have much to exercise.

Well, it's ever better to stay out of the intense like crosshairs of the situation. Merely you never know, especially with Madison there. Yous never know how that's gonna go.

Yep, very true.

Your parents accept been getting a lot of screen time this flavor. Accept they gone full Hollywood on you however?

[Laughs] No. I recollect they're underestimating the process. They're like, "Oh, we're not in it that much."  I'm like, I become more than DMs about y'all than me. You're in this and we're all in it together.

Yeah, at that place seems like in that location's been a lot of parental counsel, not simply from yous, but from some of the other cast members in season. It's a nice little alter of pace for people to see, and it helps broaden the viewers' perspectives on everything in the prove.

Yeah, definitely. I wouldn't have been able to do this without them. I know I go like clowned a lot for existence back at home with them, simply I mean, they're simply my best friends and they've made this so much more fun and easy.

And information technology'southward a lovely dwelling. I think most people would probably want to alive there, too. What's been the biggest surprise for y'all so far as a bandage fellow member, something like you didn't look to happen or the sort of the style things are playing out when episodes come up on air?

It'south always surprising to hear other people'south conversations near you, whether they're good or bad. It'due south e'er something to get used to. I was surprised at how chop-chop I came to really care about the people that I'm on hither with. Like, you know, I am very like a defensive person for people I love and care about. So, you lot know, like, seeing… And y'all run into, well afterward this flavor, like I react to some of the stuff Shep says to a Taylor or, you know, just like getting frustrated with Madison and stuff she says well-nigh Austen. It'southward just you really learn to have this new layer of, similar, trust and care for them and information technology's difficult. And that surprised me. I kind of thought I was gonna become into it with my guard up, only you know, some of these people take go my all-time friends and that was surprising.

Well, yes. I think it's probably one of those intense bonding situations that you probably don't get anywhere other than like, I don't know, other than the military or something. Similar you're in the thick of information technology together, you know?

[Laughs] That was the perfect metaphor. Aye, that's exactly what it is. Like you're in it and even if it's people you don't become forth with or you lot take these arguments with, y'all still have common ground there and it'south comforting.

Absolutely. You know, i thing I noticed on your Insta equally I was doing some inquiry for our chat here today, it looks like you recently became the I think Director of Content Creation at Koz Films. Tin can you talk a trivial bit nigh your professional person life? We haven't seen much of it on the evidence yet.

When I was living in LA, I was working equally a production assistant and so an assistant to an acting motorcoach. And I was just starting to kind of get my hands muddy with learning about directing and editing and then COVID hitting and really put a halt to that. So, a really talented videographer hither in Charleston, Jake Kozmor, took me under his wing. He's so young. He looks like he could be my petty brother, but he's my boss. He's actually, really talented, and I feel like I got to pick upwards where I left off. And I like assist him on video shoots. And, yeah, information technology's been really prissy to kind of bring my passion and what I was wanting to do and working on out in LA here in Charleston. So that'south been… information technology's been really fun.

That sounds incredible. I know your personal Insta is doing really well correct at present, besides. I've got 1 terminal question here for yous. You know, you mentioned earlier sort of being in the thick of things with people. It seems like you and Taylor got actually shut and it seems like sort of are still so really close. What can you say about her right at present later on everything that's sort of been in the tabloids?

Taylor'southward just such an incredible person, and that'south non lost on anyone, Shep included. And and then I think, given the state of affairs, handling a breakup in general is hard, simply having the public eye kind of thrown into it as well, I think she's been handling it as good as tin be expected. She's spending a lot of time with her family unit and she's going to be in New York this week with Naomie. So, they're both keeping decorated and I call back both making the most of the time. And we never actually… you don't know where information technology's gonna go. She's not writing annihilation off. She'due south not shutting the door on she and Shep. I think they're both just only taking the fourth dimension and seeing what happens.

New episodes of Southern Charm air on Bravo every Th at 9/8c, and appear on Peacock the following 24-hour interval.


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